I’m Following Through

Yup, you heard me. Apparently what I needed was to put the fact that my butt is lazy out on the web. I made it to CrossFit last night. I got a great workout, it only took 50 minutes(AWESOME) and I know that I’ll be able to get stronger.

Plus, it helps me towards my goal. Since I’m having scheduling issues, I’m only signing up for once a week, then I’ll go to two, but after that, I’ll hold steady.

The only thing I’m not too sure about is the diet they push. CrossFitters are big on the Paleo diet and I’m not sure I can go that hardcore with it. I mean, I can for sure see the benefits of such diet, but man, I’ve got to feed my husband, myself and three kids.

It’s not like I’m feeding my family fast food 5 times a week, but I don’t think we’re ready to move that far.

Until the weigh in,


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